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About me

I'm a hobbyist who works with high-level languages. I mostly work on the backend side, writing frameworks and basic server-side applications.

In the past, I've made a few Discord bots and web libraries. I've been self-taught for about a decade, though I'm still improving every day.

As of now, I'm working on managing my endless backlog of ideas, maintaining things I've made, and writing mods for my favourite games.


I'm highly familiar with JavaScript and have been using it for a long time. My preferred language for large projects is C#, and I know a decent chunk of Lua.


Here's a curated list of things I've made or worked on:


Tiny Node.JS API framework. Built to be slim and dependencyless.


I co-maintain Fuji, an open-source mod loader for Celeste 64 that makes building and playing mods easy.


Gamemode addon for Garry's Mod, revolving around randomized weapons.

Other info

This website is fully readable without CSS and JS. In fact - it doesn't ship any JS! It was built using hand-crafted HTML.

Here is a link to the color palette used on this site.